Published by Wikileaks & Bivol.bg
 date: 3/4/2005 14:18 refid: 05SOFIA422 origin: Embassy Sofia classification: UNCLASSIFIED destination:  header: This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.   UNCLAS SOFIA 000422    SIPDIS      STATE FOR EUR/NCE AND INR/SPM    E.O. 12958: N/A  TAGS: PREL, PGOV, PINR, IZ, BU  SUBJECT: BULGARIA: FOLLOW-UP LETTER REQUESTING DUELFER  REPORT INFORMATION    REF:  04 SOFIA 2086    1.   This is an action request; see paragraph 4.    2.   Post received the letter in paragraph 3 on 1 March  from the Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission  investigating the Iraqi Oil-for-Food scandal.    3.   Begin text of letter:    Republic of Bulgaria  National Assembly  1 March 2005    To  Mr. Bradley Freden  Counselor for Political and Economic Affairs    Dear Mr. Freden,    With reference to the letter the Ad-hoc Parliamentary  Committee Examining the Data Concerning the Allegations  for Financing of the Bulgarian Socialist Party through  Saddam Hussein's Regime in Iraq has sent to request  assistance in obtaining the documents on the basis of  which Bulgaria has been included in the CIA report, I  allow myself to kindly address you again with a request  for assistance so that the Ad-hoc Committee, which term  expires April 12, 2005, could examine and analyze the  information and successfully complete its work.    Please accept my personal and the Committee members'  gratitude for your responsiveness and cooperation.    Respectfully,  Borislav Ralchev  Chair of the Ad-hoc Committee    End text of letter.    4.   ACTION REQUEST:  Please provide a formal response to  the Commission's request for source documents (reftel)  related to Bulgaria used in preparing the Duelfer report.  (COMMENT:  The Commission has already extended its  mandate by three months in anticipation of receiving  further information from the USG.)  END ACTION REQUEST. 

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