Published by Wikileaks & Bivol.bg
 id: 194427 date: 2/27/2009 16:32 refid: 09SOFIA89 origin: Embassy Sofia classification: CONFIDENTIAL destination: 09SOFIA44|09SOFIA452|09SOFIA724|09STATE15623|09STATE15959 header: VZCZCXRO8901 OO RUEHDBU RUEHFL RUEHKW RUEHLA RUEHNP RUEHROV RUEHSR DE RUEHSF #0089/01 0581632 ZNY CCCCC ZZH O 271632Z FEB 09 ZDS FM AMEMBASSY SOFIA TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC IMMEDIATE 5808 INFO RUEHZL/EUROPEAN POLITICAL COLLECTIVE IMMEDIATE RUEHBUL/AMEMBASSY KABUL IMMEDIATE 0053 RHEHAAA/NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON DC RHMFISS/HQ USEUCOM RUEKJCS/JOINT STAFF WASHINGTON DC RUEKJCS/SECDEF WASHINGTON DC RUEHNO/USMISSION USNATO 1017   S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 03 SOFIA 000089    SIPDIS    NOFORN  SIPDIS    C O R R E C T E D COPY (REFTEL CHANGED)    E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/27/2032  TAGS: PGOV, PREL, ENRG, RS, BU  SUBJECT: PUTIN'S BULGARIA VISIT:  FRICTION AND "FRIENDSHIP"    REF: A. SOFIA 0048       B. SOFIA 0067    SOFIA 00000089  001.2 OF 003      Classified By: Ambassador John Beyrle for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d).    1.  (C)  Summary:  The whirlwind that was Russian President  Putin's January 17-18 visit to Sofia ended up generating as  much friction as friendship with the Bulgarians.  Heavy-handed Russian pressure in securing the signing of the  South Stream deal, plus seven other bilateral agreements, had  Bulgarian officials gritting their teeth behind diplomatic  smiles.  The visit was meant to kickstart the Year of Russia  in Bulgaria, a "soft power" program replete with cultural  events, as well as a year-long plan for further economic and  political cooperation.  What the visit accomplished was a  tightening of Russia's grip on the Bulgarian energy sector,  and, in the case of South Stream, a perceived blow to Nabucco  and regional and European energy security.  It was not an  unalloyed success, either for Russia or Bulgaria.  Even  before wheels up, the ruling socialists were on the defensive  for signing the South Stream deal after repeatedly saying  they were not ready to do so.  Opposition party and  opinion-maker accusations that Bulgaria was being "Putinized"  and turned into Russia's Trojan horse in the EU have clearly  hit a nerve with top officials.  Leading GOB officials, the  Prime Minister and Foreign Minister included, now appear more  intent to prove Bulgaria's credentials as a dependable EU and  NATO member.  They know they must prove themselves on energy  security, Nabucco, and other critical issues in our bilateral  relationship, which can give us additional leverage on key  issues like Afghan deployments and energy deal follow-up in  the months ahead.  End Summary.      RUSSIA TIGHTENS ITS GRIP  ------------------------    2.  (C)  With the dust now pretty much settled after the  January 17-18 visit of President Putin (and heir-apparent  Medvedev), some clarity on what was -- and wasn't achieved --  has emerged.  Energy deals dominated the visit.  With the  four signed energy agreements -- on South Stream, the  Burgas-Alexandropolous Pipeline (BAP), Russian construction  of the new Belene Nuclear Power Plant, and on nuclear fuel  return -- Russia tightened its grip on the already dependent  Bulgarian energy sector.  Despite Prime Minister Stanishev's  and other government officials' public promises to protect  Bulgaria's interests, the Bulgarians gave away some key  redlines, especially during the negotiations for the largest  and most controversial South Stream deal, which Russia  actually wanted -- and needed - more.  Finalized in the early  hours of Putin's departure day, the Bulgarians conceded key  points prematurely and with not enough in return (Reftels).  Already over 90 percent dependent on Russian energy,  the Bulgarians put themselves on the "energy map" by allowing  Russia a much larger footprint in the EU, renewing doubts  over Nabucco, and paving the way for Serbia to give up 51  percent of its oil company to Gazprom the following week.  With the economics of South Stream questionable and its  actual construction years off, its political ramifications  loom far larger than its actual financial value.    3.  (C)  The Belene deal is immediately and tangibly more  significant for Bulgaria's energy sector.  AtomstroyExport  (with French and German participation) won the tender in  October 2006 to build the four billion euro project, which is  designed to replace the shut down reactors at Kozloduy.  As  such, Belene will eventually provide a direct boost to  Bulgaria's energy production and electricity export capacity.  Construction will inject huge sums into an economically  distressed part of the country.  Already firmly in the  driver's seat at Belene, Russia is looking to maximize its  control of the mega-project.  In addition to signing the main  contract for design, construction, and installation, Putin  further announced Russia was prepared to offer up to 3.8  billion euros in credit to finance construction of the plant.   Foreign Minister Ivailo Kalfin told the Ambassador January  25 that the Russian offer came as a complete surprise, and if  taken advantage of, would force the cancellation of a tender  process to select a strategic investor for Belene.  (Note:  Five European companies are in the running.)  Although  Russian credit terms would likely be more attractive, Kalfin  said it was more important to find a non-Russian strategic  investor in a transparent tender process.      SOFIA 00000089  002.2 OF 003      IT'S NOT JUST ENERGY  --------------------    4.  (S/NF)  Obscured by the focus on energy, the other  agreements signed during Putin's visit focused on trade,  education, culture, and tourism and highlighted Moscow's  desire to build on its already strong presence in Bulgaria.  The two sides signed a ferry service agreement between the  ports of Varna and Kavkaz, Russia, and a memorandum on  Military Aircraft repair.  In addition, President Parvanov  stated that the issue of Russia's outstanding debt to  Bulgaria (which is estimated between USD 19 and 38.5 million)  would be resolved in the coming weeks.  MFA sources say  Russia will repay its debt in spare parts and repair of  Russian MiGs.  (Note:  Bulgaria's M-29 fleet is in sad shape;  even once repaired, MOD has such limited fuel funds that  pilots average less than 20 flight hours per year.)    5.  (S/NF)  Also raised, but not decided, was the  long-standing issue of licensing for small arms that are  manufactured in Bulgaria, but over which Russia claims  intellectual property rights.  Russia has demanded a prior  written notice and a veto right over the shipment of these  arms to certain countries (especially Georgia).  Essentially,  the Russians conceded nothing, and the issue was shelved.  Putin also left the Bulgarians empty-handed on the issue of  the return of Bulgarian archives seized immediately after  World War II.  Putin reportedly asked Bulgaria for a formal  request for the return of these documents, brushing aside the  fact that Bulgaria had done so years earlier.  Despite rumors  of forward movement on this issue before Putin's arrival, the  archives (military records, cabinet minutes and private  papers of the Bulgarian royal family) did not deliver the  Bulgarians an immediate, hoped-for success.    GOVERNMENT ON THE DEFENSIVE  ---------------------------    6.  (C)  The lack of transparency over the energy deals,  especially South Stream, had the GOB on the defensive even  before Putin was wheels up.  The conservative opposition  parties were the first to object, prompting PM Stanishev, FM  Kalfin and Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov to  seek a statement from the coalition majority in Parliament in  favor of the energy deals.  The session was rancorous and  ended without a statement, although we expect that the South  Stream deal will eventually be ratified.   Overall, media and  opinion maker reaction to the visit, especially the energy  deals, was a mixed bag.  While some media outlets welcomed  Bulgaria's emergence as an "energy hub," many others,  including some usually supportive of the government, accused  the BSP of allowing the "putinization" of Bulgaria and  asserted that Bulgaria was becoming the "Trojan horse of  Russia's energy policy in the EU."    7.  (C)  The sharp criticism of the energy deals and tepid  support of BSP coalition partners clearly touched a nerve  within BSP leadership.  With coordinated talking points, PM  Stanishev and FM Kalfin, who are both otherwise supportive of  greater diversification of energy supplies, have been trying  (not entirely convincingly) to hide any evidence of buyer's  remorse on South Stream and justify their actions (ref B).  President Parvanov, who was widely criticized for calling  the signing of the energy deals a "grand slam" for Bulgaria,  later responded defensively to the Trojan horse accusation by  saying "the EU is neither Troy nor under siege."    COMMENT  -------    8.  (C)  One analyst summed up the visit by saying "Russia  has given Bulgaria things that do not cost money.  In return,  Bulgaria will have to give Russia for free things that cost a  lot of money: Burgas-Alexandropolous, South Stream, inflated  gas prices, and huge fees for the construction of the  completely unnecessary Belene nuclear power plant."  Indeed,  the Bulgarian portion of the energy deals alone represents at  least USD 10 billion, or about 25 percent of estimated 2007  GDP.  These deals, along with the cultural and other "soft  power" agreements will, in Dimitry Medvedev's words, "link  Bulgaria and Russia for decades."  And that was clearly a  strategic aim of the visit, from a Kremlin sparing little  effort to rebuild lost market share with a historic ally.    9.  (C)  But Bulgaria, while still lacking self-confidence in  dealing with Moscow, is also no longer the servile "little    SOFIA 00000089  003.2 OF 003      brother" the Russians remember.  The unexpectedly strong  criticism of the optics of the visit and the substance of the  energy deals -- both domestically and internationally -- have  unsettled the government and left the socialist party in  particular feeling exposed.  Upcoming debate in Parliament  surrounding the ratification of South Stream will require the  government to publicize the text of the agreement.  This will  ensure continued opportunities to re-focus on Nabucco,  question the commercial viability of South Stream, and  spotlight the related gas/transit agreement signed in 2006  with Gazprom, the terms of which have never been fully  examined or explained here.  Beyond the energy sphere, the  government's fear that it has tacked too far eastward should  provide us with more leverage as we press for increased  Bulgarian troop commitments in Afghanistan, and more concrete  results from our joint counterproliferation and  anti-trafficking programs.  Secretary Rice's visit here in  April, and the Prime Minister's hoped-for visit to Washington  at mid-year, will offer Bulgaria a chance to demonstrate --  to the United States and the EU, and to its own public --  that there is no change in Bulgaria's strategic transatlantic  orientation.   END COMMENT.  Beyrle   

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