Published by Wikileaks &
date: 1/28/2010 14:20 refid: 10SKOPJE40 origin: Embassy Skopje classification: UNCLASSIFIED destination: 10STATE6355 header: VZCZCXRO0424 PP RUEHIK DE RUEHSQ #0040 0281420 ZNR UUUUU ZZH P 281420Z JAN 10 FM AMEMBASSY SKOPJE TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY 8842 INFO RUEHZG/NATO EU COLLECTIVE PRIORITY UNCLAS SKOPJE 000040 SIPDIS DEPT FOR S/SRAP, SCA/A, EUR/SCE E.O. 12958: N/A TAGS: PREL, NATO, MOPS, MARR, AF, MK SUBJECT: MACEDONIA WILL CONTRIBUTE TO REINTEGRATION TRUST FUND REF: STATE 06355 1. (U) Post conveyed REFTEL points to Mira Krajacik of the MFA's Office of Security Cooperation. She spoke with the FonMin Milososki directly and he indicated that Macedonia would publicly endorse the Afghan Reintegration Trust Fund at the January 28 London Conference and make a verbal committment to contribute. Milososki could not specify an amount at this time. REEKER