Published by Wikileaks &
date: 1/6/2010 14:02 refid: 10SKOPJE8 origin: Embassy Skopje classification: UNCLASSIFIED destination: header: VZCZCXYZ0009 PP RUEHWEB DE RUEHSQ #0008 0061402 ZNR UUUUU ZZH P 061402Z JAN 10 FM AMEMBASSY SKOPJE TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY 8802 INFO RHMFISS/HQ USEUCOM VAIHINGEN GE RUEKJCS/JOINT STAFF WASHINGTON DC RUEHNO/USMISSION USNATO 3778 RUEAIIA/CIA WASHINGTON DC RUEKJCS/SECDEF WASHINGTON DC RUEKDIA/DIA WASHINGTON DC ----------------- header ends ---------------- UNCLAS SKOPJE 000008 SIPDIS EUR/SCE E.O. 12958: N/A TAGS: MASS, MARR, MCAP, MOPS, NATO, MK SUBJECT: MACEDONIA: POST SUPPORTS 1206 PROPOSAL FOR EMBEDDED OPERATIONAL MENTOR AND LIASON TEAM (OMLT) EQUIPMENT SET 1. The Ambassador supports ODC Macedonia's 1206 request proposal for FY10 - "Embedded Operational Mentor and Liaison Team (OMLT) Equipment Set8 for use by units deploying to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission in Afghanistan. The equipment in the proposal will be used by Macedonian forces for their Embedded OMLTs, which are one of the most important contributions that an ISAF particpant state can make to the development of self-sustaining Afghan National Security Forces. Macedonia currently has 163 soldiers serving in ISAF and, no later than 1 April 2010, will deploy an additional 79 soldiers as part of a Secretary of Defense approved co-deployment with elements of the Vermont National Guard. 2. The unit deploying has been Leahy vetted and post is not aware of any credible evidence of gross violations of human rights by the units who are proposed to receive assistance. 3. The POC for this project is XXXXXXXXXXXX NAVRATIL