Published by Wikileaks & The Guardian &
id: 215404 date: 7/7/2009 8:56 refid: 09SOFIA363 origin: Embassy Sofia classification: SECRET destination: 09SOFIA69 header: VZCZCXRO8347 OO RUEHDBU RUEHFL RUEHKW RUEHLA RUEHNP RUEHROV RUEHSL DE RUEHSF #0363/01 1880856 ZNY SSSSS ZZH O 070856Z JUL 09 FM AMEMBASSY SOFIA TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC IMMEDIATE 6156 INFO RUEHZL/EUROPEAN POLITICAL COLLECTIVE IMMEDIATE RUEHIN/AIT TAIPEI IMMEDIATE 0017 RUEAIIA/CIA WASHINGTON DC IMMEDIATE RHEBAAA/DEPT OF ENERGY WASHINGTON DC IMMEDIATE RHEFDIA/DIA WASHINGTON DC IMMEDIATE RHEHAAA/NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON DC IMMEDIATE RUEHBS/USEU BRUSSELS IMMEDIATE RUEHUNV/USMISSION UNVIE VIENNA IMMEDIATE 0029 S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 02 SOFIA 000363 SENSITIVE SIPDIS FOR SPECIAL ENVOY FOR EURASIAN ENERGY RICHARD MORNINGSTAR FOR USEU ENERGY OFFICER RICHARD FROST FOR EUR/CE JENNIFER HOOVER E.O. 12958: DECL: 07/01/2034 TAGS: ENRG, IAEA, PREL, PGOV, BU SUBJECT: BULGARIA: BELENE NUCLEAR POWER PLANT: MORE TROUBLES REF: A. SOFIA 0069 B. SEPTEL Classified By: Ambassador Nancy McEldowney for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d). 1. (S) SUMMARY: Bulgaria's highest profile energy project -- the Belene Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) is dogged by cost overruns, financing woes, construction delays, and now serious safety and quality assurance concerns. Belene may end up costing Bulgaria more than money in the long run. Despite the repeated objections by project experts, the Bulgarian National Electric Company (NEC) is recklessly pressing forward in order to announce the start of the official "construction" phase of the NPP, and to secure funding from international investors. Belene project experts have privately expressed serious concerns that if construction continues on its current path -- ignoring safety and quality assurance -- it could pose a huge risk. END SUMMARY. --------------------------- SAFETY AND QUALITY IGNORED --------------------------- 2. (S) Marred by many technical, political, and financial problems, the Belene NPP project continues to move forward despite strong warnings about project safety and quality by project experts. NEC, which controls 51 percent of the project along with strategic investor Germany's RWE with 49 percent, keeps pressing to start the "Site Preparation Phase" in September 2009 even before the "Demolition Phase" is completed in August 2009. (Demolition Phase includes the destruction and removal of the existing old site infrastructure.) According to project insiders, NEC and its on-site construction manager, ignore environmental, safety, and quality assurance concerns and illegally canceled several "stop work orders" issued at the site because of safety violations. 3. (S) Pressed to meet its own self-imposed deadlines, NEC grew increasingly frustrated with its site architect-engineers and their repeated calls to follow international quality assurance standards, their opposition to the "overnight creation" of temporary structures, and the lack of a Quality Assurance (QA) Program Plan for the temporary structures. (Construction of temporary structures during the "Demolition Phase" and "Site Preparation Phase" is a routine process and facilitates the storage of equipment and manufacturing of key construction components such as concrete). As a result, NEC permanently modified its contract with the architect-engineers and removed their responsibility to issue construction permits for on-site temporary structures. Instead, NEC asked the Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (RDPW) to issue the approvals - which they subsequently do without oversight or proper technical documentation. Belene project experts stated that this was a violation of international nuclear industry best practices, because the architect-engineering company could no longer validate the quality or performance of the on-site temporary structures. 4. (S) Another problem area is the lack of an overall detailed technical and quality assurance plan for BNPP. As of late June 2009, Russia's Atomstroyexport (ASE) -- Belene NPP's main foreign contractor -- has yet to provide NEC with an overall Quality Assurance (QA) Program Plan. A QA Program Plan is required before the Technical Design Approval Order (TDAO) can be issued and certainly well before the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency (NRA) can issue a Construction Permit for BNPP, making the targeted start dates of September 2009 and December 2010 virtually impossible. ------------------------------- LESS THAN A GLOWING ENDORSEMENT ------------------------------- 5. (S) NEC is rushing to complete the "Demolition Phase" and start the "Site Preparation Phase" to make Belene look financially viable, attract additional international funding, SOFIA 00000363 002 OF 002 and keep RWE as a strategic investor. Our contacts told us RWE will not provide funding until "financial closure" and it sees the "first concrete poured," which is currently estimated for December 2010. According to our contacts, "Site Preparation" activities will be called "Construction" in the media to make it appear that the project is progressing ahead without any problems. With the "Demolition" slated for completion in August 2009, NEC plans to begin "Site Preparation" in September 2009, despite the numerous environmental, safety, and quality assurance objections raised. Interestingly, ASE Vice President Genady Tepkyan publicly stated on June 20, that ASE will start "construction" of Belene NPP in September 2009. 6. (S) RWE is clearly feeling "buyer's remorse" about its participation in Belene. XXXXXXXXXXXX told us in February that RWE worries about Belene's lack of transparency and working with ASE and Bulgarian subcontractors. Belene experts said that RWE remains "in the dark" on most on-site day-to-day and technical issues. During a late May 2009 Belene project meeting, RWE asked numerous basic questions, indicating that they have not seen any of the on-site safety and environmental reports. On more than one occasion NEC prevented their contractors and subcontractors from speaking directly with RWE experts, often reminding them of their confidentiality agreements when they tried to answer RWE's questions. There is speculation that NEC is trying to keep RWE from abandoning the project by "glossing" over serious technical and safety concerns for the sake of moving the project forward. Media reports theorize that RWE is trying to pull out of Belene. Some contacts suggest that RWE will wait until after the Bulgarian (July 5) and German (September) elections before announcing the fate of its future participation in BNPP, as GERB officials have expressed strong negative views toward the project. 7. (S) The current BSP-led government has repeatedly pushed for Belene, especially with 700 million euros in sunk costs and priceless political capital invested in the project. The Bulgarians and RWE initially wanted commercial financing for the entire project, but were unable to attract funding from Western banks -- wary of extending a large loan to an increasingly questionable project in the midst of the global financial crisis. In early June, Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) CEO Galina Tosheva confirmed Russian approval for a 3.8 billion EUR (5.4 billion USD) loan for Belene. The Bulgarians are still in the dark on actual details. Tosheva told us that she expects Russian PM Putin will dictate the loans terms directly to Bulgarian PM Stanishev. 8. (S) COMMENT: Vested interests -- the current BSP-led government, NEC, well-connected politicians, Bulgarian energy oligarchs, and Russian investors -- keep pushing the project at all costs. NEC has ignored repeated warnings on safety and quality assurance from Belene project experts and international nuclear industry best practices. Since BNPP began, the corresponding technical documentation, the ongoing demolition, and site preparation activities have not been investigated, audited, or approved by the International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA). Bisser Boev, a member of GERB's economic team, told us that as of late June, Belene also has no updated economic or technical feasibility study. We should encourage the next government to quickly begin its due-diligence on the project; stressing the importance of meeting all international safety and quality assurance standards, and bringing in the IAEA and the EU's European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) to perform an on-site inspection. END COMMENT. McEldowney