Published by Wikileaks & Bivol.bg
 id: 140742 date: 2/11/2008 8:42 refid: 08SOFIA87 origin: Embassy Sofia classification: CONFIDENTIAL destination: 07SOFIA1122|07SOFIA1219|07SOFIA1271 header: VZCZCXYZ0000 OO RUEHWEB  DE RUEHSF #0087/01 0420842 ZNY CCCCC ZZH O 110842Z FEB 08 FM AMEMBASSY SOFIA TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC IMMEDIATE 4754 INFO RUEHZG/NATO EU COLLECTIVE IMMEDIATE RHMFISS/HQ USEUCOM  IMMEDIATE RUEKJCS/JOINT STAFF WASHINGTON DC IMMEDIATE RHEHNSC/NSC WASHINGTON DC IMMEDIATE RUEKJCS/SECDEF WASHINGTON DC IMMEDIATE RUEHNO/USMISSION USNATO IMMEDIATE 0966   C O N F I D E N T I A L SOFIA 000087    SIPDIS    SIPDIS    E.O. 12958: DECL: 10/11/2017  TAGS: PGOV, PREL, MARR, BU  SUBJECT: BULGARIAN MILITARY MODERNIZATION PLAN POSITIVE BUT  MAY LACK LEADERSHIP TO IMPLEMENT FULLY    REF: A. A) 07 SOFIA 1122       B. B) 07 SOFIA 1219       C. C) 07 SOFIA 1271    Classified By: Ambassador John Beyrle for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d)    1.  (C)  Summary: A new Bulgarian Ministry of Defense plan  for military modernization calls for a reduction of 3,000 to  5,000 service members, elimination or closure of certain  unnecessary weapon systems and facilities, and the  integration of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff.   The full details of the plan have not been made public, but  information provided to the Embassy reveals a more positive  and ambitious plan than expected.  It is likely, however,  that the Minister of Defense will not force difficult reforms  on the services, and as a result, some recommended measures  will be watered down and cuts may be made on the basis of  political expediency rather than strategic rationale.  The  reduction in troops, for instance, may be achieved through  attrition rather than targeted cuts of obsolete systems.  Integration of the top-heavy and stove-piped General Staff  into the Ministry of Defense is also likely to be only  cosmetic (or skipped entirely) due to the Minister's  reluctance to challenge the generals.  The plan notably  avoids taking a position on controversial procurements such  as French Corvette-class ships or multi-role fighters.  A  delegation led by Deputy Minister of Defense Sonya Yankulova  will travel to Brussels for meetings with NATO defense  planners on 11 FEB.  This is an important opportunity for the  alliance to encourage Bulgaria to continue on the right track  and to push for meaningful and targeted reforms, rather than  unfocused cost-cutting.  End Summary.    THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS    2.  (C)  XXXXXXXXXXXX told us that approximately 9,000 positions  will be eliminated as a result of the reforms, with around  8,300 of these cuts coming from the uniformed military and  the bulk of these from the Land Forces.  (Bulgaria's current  armed forces number approximately 37,000 with the Land Forces  comprising around 20,000.)   The majority of the positions to  be cut are currently unfilled.  In other words, although  9,000 positions may be cut, only 3000-5000 actual service  members would be let go.    3.  (C)  What is most significant is where these cuts will  fall.  The Embassy has made a steady push (Ref A, B) for  Bulgaria to end its wasteful legacy programs such as  submarines, coastal defense systems and out-dated air-defense  systems that are incapable of differentiating between allied  and enemy aircraft.  Our understanding is that some of these  programs will be cut back in the course of the reform effort  but there is the danger that the majority of the cuts in  personnel will simply be achieved through attrition.  This is  particularly problematic since our sources indicate that  higher rates of attrition will occur at lower ranks,  exacerbating an already top-heavy military structure.    4.  (C)  The integration of the Ministry of Defense and the  General Staff is the most ambitious portion of the MOD,s  plan, drawn from, its authors say, the best practices of  other nations, particularly the United States and New  Zealand.  Clearly, a great amount of waste and redundancy  could be reduced through this merger and the tremendous  divide in culture and operations that currently exists  between the two organizations could be narrowed or  eliminated.  According to the plan, a procurement office and  an audit office/inspectorate would be kept independent, while  other offices from the two organizations such as  communications, travel, protocol, human resources, planning,  policy, etc. would be merged.  The new hierarchy is designed  so that decision-making authority and consensus could be  reached at lower levels.  The State Secretary for Defense (a  civilian) and the CHOD would be equals and would represent  the two highest ranking officials beneath the Defense  Minister and a single Deputy Minister.  Predictably, the  General Staff has opposed this plan, since it is seen as  reducing the CHOD,s status in the Ministry.  The transition  to a structure with a single Deputy Minister (versus six in  the current format) also ruffled feathers since many DepMins  would be forced to accept a demotion in name if not any  actual reduction in authority.    5.  (C)  Wisely, the authors of the plan did not make  specific procurement recommendations in their plan, but    rather focused on what capabilities Bulgaria needed to  possess in order to be an effective participant in  international security operations.  The stated goal is for  40% of Bulgaria's forces to be deployable, with six to eight  percent deployed at any given time.  (A rough estimate of  Bulgaria's current situation is that two percent of its total  or approximately 3.6% of its Land Forces are currently  deployed overseas.)  The planners suggested that Bulgaria  ultimately wants to be able to deploy a full battalion and  one company, and to do this estimates it needs a Land Force  strength of five battalions.    WHAT IS THE MISSION:  MILITARY TRANSFORMATION OR COST CUTTING?    6.  (C)  Prime Minister Stanishev ordered a revision of  Bulgaria's "Plan 2015" for military modernization in October  2007.  The public rationale was to re-energize the defense  reform process and to update the five year-old plan which was  seen as increasingly irrelevant.  But behind the scenes, it  was clear that Stanishev ordered the review with an eye  toward reducing the share of GDP allotted to defense and  buying time to respond to mounting French pressure on  Bulgaria to purchase an over one billion dollar package of  French ships.  For the moment, it appears the PM has been  successful in holding off the French.  In December 2007,  Bulgaria bought two used frigates and a minesweeper from  Belgium instead, and Defense Minister Bliznakov said publicly  that the Corvettes were not in Bulgaria's near-term plans.  Still it was made clear to MOD,s defense planning team that  recommendations for transformation must involve troop cuts  and base closures and should plan for shrinking resources.  In its current form, the authors estimate the new plan will  save approximately 70-120 million USD.    7.  (C)  Bulgarian planners (reporting to DepMin Yankulova)  prepared a surprisingly ambitious plan which calls for  substantial troop cuts, an integrated MOD and General Staff  (based on a hybrid of the US and New Zealand military  organizations) and a move away from decade-spanning,  procurement-centric planning toward a shorter-term,  capabilities-based planning model.  While full details are  not yet public, the thrust of the plan is forward-leaning and  in line with Embassy advice to focus on interoperability,  deployability, reducing waste, avoiding mega-procurements and  maintaining niche capabilities.    8.  (C)  Although the authors of the plan continue to lobby  for full implementation of their work, they have expressed  doubt that Defense Minister Bliznakov (who has drawn the ire  of his party's leadership and is perennially rumored to be  replaced in the next cabinet reshuffle) has the will to push  forward with far-reaching reforms.  Others involved in the  creation of the new plan suggest that, although Bliznakov is  loath to make waves or push too strongly against the General  Staff, he is also anxious for the plan to be viewed as a  success.  The concern is that "success" will be judged by top  political decision-makers solely in terms of finances,  without regard for the long-term consequences for the  military.    THE ROAD AHEAD    9.  (C)  A delegation led by Deputy Minister of Defense Sonya  Yankulova will travel to Brussels for meetings with NATO  defense planners on 11 FEB.  The following week the plan will  be discussed in a Defense Council meeting of all Deputy  Ministers and senior generals.  Depending on the degree of  friction within the Ministry, the plan is expected to proceed  to the Council of Ministers for final approval in March.    10.  (C)  COMMENT:  While the thrust of the Bulgarian plan is  positive, the measure of its success or failure will depend  on the specifics of where troop reductions are made and which  capabilities are maintained. The MOD appears to have  internalized consistent embassy engagement on improving  interoperability and deployability, reducing waste, avoiding  mega-procurements and maintaining niche capabilities, as  these themes are all echoed in the new plan.  We strongly  recommend that these priorities be reinforced during Deputy  Minister Yankulova's visit to Brussels this week.  Further  embassy and NATO engagement will be necessary to present the  strategic rationale for targeted cuts and to ensure that the  positive measures outlined in the plan are not made  meaningless or even counterproductive through poor  implementation.  END COMMENT.  Beyrle  

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