Anonymity statement
At Balkanleaks we take your privacy and anonymity very seriously. We don’t want to know…
At Balkanleaks we take your privacy and anonymity very seriously. We don’t want to know…
A secret report by a former security services officer Plamen Papalezov. The report is revealing bribery…
Руското външнотърговско предприятие «АСЭН» е изпратило през октомври 2007 писмо до премиер-министъра Станишев, министъра на…
The first officially declassified by the Bulgarian court wiretaps. The wiretaps (sound and video)…
This is the second leak received through our tor server. The correspondance shows that many influent…
СПРАВКA Относно Проблеми, свързани с рехабилитацията и изграждането на СОИ на блокове 1-4 и модернизацията…
REPORT ABOUT: The activities of persons and circles that have a destructive impact on the…
СПРАВКА ОТНОСНО: Действията на лица и кръгове, оказващи деструктивно влияние върху функционирането на министерства и…
The agreement between Bulgaria and Russia to create a project company promoting the Belene Nuclear…
This is our first leak received on 2010/12/08 through the TOR upload server. Currently we…