Published by Wikileaks & Bivol.bg
 date: 8/26/2009 14:46 refid: 09SOFIA483 origin: Embassy Sofia classification: CONFIDENTIAL destination:  header: VZCZCXRO1573 OO RUEHSL DE RUEHSF #0483/01 2381446 ZNY CCCCC ZZH O 261446Z AUG 09 FM AMEMBASSY SOFIA TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC IMMEDIATE 6275 INFO RUEHZG/NATO EU COLLECTIVE IMMEDIATE RUEKJCS/JOINT STAFF WASHINGTON DC IMMEDIATE RHMFISS/HQ USEUCOM VAIHINGEN GE IMMEDIATE RUEKJCS/SECDEF WASHINGTON DC IMMEDIATE   C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 SOFIA 000483    SIPDIS    E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/21/2029  TAGS: PREL, PGOV, BU  SUBJECT: BULGARIA:  MLADENOV BRINGS STRATEGIC VISION TO  MOD, VOWS REFORM    Classified By: Charge d'Affaires Ordway for reasons 1.4 (b)/(d)    1.  (C)  SUMMARY:  The new government is serious about  military reform and cleaning up the MOD.  Prime Minister  Borisov picked 37-year old Nikolay Mladenov to carry out this  task.   Mladenov is widely respected for his talent,  political savvy and work ethic.  His lack of military  experience may be a plus in Bulgaria as he is not personally  beholden to entrenched interests inside the military  establishment.  A fluent English-speaker who spent nearly  five years overseas, including stints in Iraq and  Afghanistan, he has worked for NDI, IRI and the Open Society  Foundation, is strongly pro-NATO and committed to continuing  Bulgaria's engagement in international security affairs.  He  is eager to deepen U.S.-Bulgaria security cooperation and  increase the impact of Bulgarian overseas deployments.  In  the short-term, he will be forced to devote his attention to  cleaning up the legal, structural and budgetary mess left  behind by the previous government.  To accomplish this, he  has requested additional IMET or other funds for U.S.  advisory teams to assist in the formulation and  implementation of urgently needed procurement, accounting,  planning and professional education reforms.  END SUMMARY.      TOUGH ROAD AHEAD  ----------------    2.  (C)  Mladenov takes charge of a military that is short on  funds and has habitually misallocated its limited resources.  The Bulgarian Armed Forces are reliant on outdated equipment,  some of which (particularly in the Air Force) absorb funds  while providing zero capability.  It is also still adjusting  to a complicated merger of the MOD and Joint Staff and the  transition to an all-volunteer force.  While his lack of  military experience could be an asset in overseeing wrenching  reforms, he has wisely selected three former officers as his  deputies and chief of staff who share his reform agenda, but  who also have the years of personal experience he does not.    3.  (C)  Mladenov tells us he is excited about the  possibilities of expanding the U.S.-Bulgaria security  partnership.  This will only be meaningful if he can set the  MOD's house in order, a task that currently has his full and  undivided attention.  The bottom line:  Mladenov is the best  chance Bulgaria has had in a decade to turn its military into  a modern capable force.  The looming budgetary crisis,  ironically, strengthens his hand in ending corrupt  procurement practices and re-focusing resources on  acquisition and mantainence of real capabilities that will  modernize the armed forces and support the country's  strategic needs.    REFORM PLAN IN PLACE  --------------------    4.  (C)  For over a year, the Center for Civil-Military  Relations (CCMR) based out of the Naval Post-graduate School,  has advised Bulgaria on defense transformation and prepared a  series of recommendations on structural reform, defense  planning, procurement and professional training.  In line  with these U.S. recommendations, Mladenov said he intends to:    - realign the MOD bureaucracy to consolidate financial  management operations and reduce staff;    - institute a &capabilities-based defense planning model8  in order to link the acquisition of new systems to the  ministry's strategic requirements;    - completely overhaul the defense procurement process to  reduce waste and ensure transparency;    - amend or completely re-write the Defense Law to clarify  chain of command authority in peace and wartime.      HOW WE CAN HELP  ---------------    5.  (C)  Unlike the previous Defense Minster, Mladenov is  prepared to fully implement the CCMR recommendations, but  emphasized that his ministry needs continued support from the  organization to ensure that reforms are successfully  implemented.  The MOD has proposed a series of CCMR-led  workshops, training events, staff exercises and mentored  courses at its professional development institute to fully  develop and implement necessary policy, planning, budgeting  and educational reforms.  Current OSD funding expires at the    SOFIA 00000483  002 OF 002      end of this fiscal year, making additional funds an urgent  priority.  Mladenov commented that CCMR's work to date has  been invaluable in identifying the areas most in need of  reform and it would be a shame to end the program prematurely  at precisely the moment the ministry and CCMR's experts are  preparing to develop and implement solutions.  In other  countries, CCMR has made use of end-of-year IMET funds to  extend or enlarge its programs.  Post requests that if  end-of-year IMET money or similar resources are available,  Bulgaria be given strong consideration for supplemental  support.      6.  (C)  COMMENT:  Although Bulgaria has remained a strong  partner in international security operations (steadily  increasing its forces in Afghanistan despite public opinion)  and increased the scale and tempo of joint military  exercises, the previous government failed to implement  significant internal reform.  Corruption and mismanagement  have drained the ministry's coffers and saddled the Bulgarian  Armed Forces, particularly its Air Force, with obsolete,  non-deployable and non-NATO interoperable systems.  U.S.  assistance has helped, but in the past, lack of political  will prevented systemic improvement.  Mladenov's presence  creates a rare window of opportunity for deep and enduring  reform, particularly on defense procurements.  Modest  increases in U.S. assistance to Bulgaria at this crucial  juncture will have greater impact than ever, helping Bulgaria  to transform its entire defense acquisitions process and  begin proper allocatioQof its defense resources.  For the  first time, political will exists to end wasteful and corrupt  procurements, terminate obsolete systems and bring planing,  budgeting and education practices up to NATO standards.  Mladenov seeks and deserves our support. END COMMENT.    7.  (C)  BIO NOTES:  Although Mladenov did not serve in the  military, he graduated from King's College London with an MA  in War Studies and is a respected voice in Bulgaria on  international security issues.  In the 1990,s he held  positions in Sofia as a program director for the Open Society  Foundation and as a consultant for the World Bank, NDI and  IRI.  Mladenov entered the political scene at 28 and became  an MP for the Union of Democratic Forces (UDF) in 2001.  He  was seen as a protege of UDF leader Nadezhda Mihailova, a  previous Minister of Foreign Affairs.  Through skill and his  ties with Mihailova, he rose quickly through the UDF ranks,  and was named Deputy Party Chairman in 2004.  Mladenov  resigned his post following the resignation of party leader  Mihailova in 2005.  Unlike Mihailova, however, he left the  UDF a year later to join Citizens for the European  Development of Bulgaria (GERB), then an unknown new political  party.  ORDWAY  

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