Published by Wikileaks & Bivol.bg
 date: 12/14/2009 9:11 refid: 09SKOPJE601 origin: Embassy Skopje classification: CONFIDENTIAL destination: 09SKOPJE522 header: VZCZCXRO5057 PP RUEHDBU RUEHFL RUEHKW RUEHLA RUEHNP RUEHROV RUEHSL RUEHSR DE RUEHSQ #0601/01 3480911 ZNY CCCCC ZZH P 140911Z DEC 09 FM AMEMBASSY SKOPJE TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY 8750 INFO RUEHZL/EUROPEAN POLITICAL COLLECTIVE 0579 RUESEN/SKOPJE BETA RUEKDIA/DIA WASHINGTON DC RUEAWJA/DEPT OF JUSTICE WASHDC RUEAIIA/CIA WASHINGTON DC   C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 SKOPJE 000601    SIPDIS    E.O. 12958: DECL: 11/12/2019  TAGS: PGOV, XG, ZL, MK  SUBJECT: MACEDONIA: GOVERNMENT USES STATE ORGANS TO ENFORCE  LOYALTY AND SILENCE DISSENT    REF: SKOPJE 522    Classified By: Classified by Ambassador Reeker for reasons 1.5 (b) and  (d)    1. (C) SUMMARY: Over the past month, it appears that Prime  Minister Gruevski and his VMRO inner circle have used the  judicial and policing arms of the state to enforce party  discipline and quell dissent, which has contributed to an  increasing climate of fear. The government has been using a  catch-all corruption charge of "abuse of office" or "misuse  of official position" against members of the political elite  in Macedonia. Highly publicized arrests, detentions or  investigations of current and former ministers, party  members, and the opposition have put pressure on the  political elite in Macedonia to refrain from challenging or  criticizing the Gruevski government. We have also heard  complaints from non-governmental organizations whose members  have been called in by the police for "informative talks" on  their actions. Moreover, these tactics can be sold to the  Macedonian public as the government's valiant efforts against  corruption, which helps maintain public support for these  abusive actions.    Friends Become Enemies of the State: Trenkoski and Besimi  -------------------------------------    2. (C) One recent high profile arrest was of Georgi  Trenkoski, former manager of the Macedonian Health Fund and  ruling VMRO-DPMNE party member. Trenkoski had the reputation  for being one of the cleanest bureaucrats in the Macedonian  Government and was given a "gold star" award for excellent  management in 2007. In July, he resigned from his position on  principle, disagreeing with Gruevski,s current policies. He  is also an alumnus of the U.S. State Department's Ron Brown  Fellowship Program and has close ties to the international  community. On 3 November, he was publicly arrested on charges  of "misuse of official position" and accused of authorizing  the payment of a pharmaceutical company twice for the same  shipment. Trenkoski told the Ambassador before his arrest  that he had been threatened with legal action by the PM,s  Chief of Staff Martin Protoger. Protoger hotly denied this to  us. The arrest occurred on the street with press  "conveniently" nearby--it was evident that select "government  friendly" media were tipped off ahead of the arrest. The  papers condemned Trenkoski as corrupt and ran with the story  immediately after he was picked up by police.    3. (C) In a 10 November meeting with the Ambassador, fellow  Ron Brown alumni and close associates of Trenkoski informed  the Ambassador that the entire event was politically  motivated and engineered by the Prime Minister for the sake  of punishing Trenkoski for speaking out of turn even though  he did so privately. They firmly believed that Trenkoski was  innocent and that the charges were meant as a message, not  only to him, but to others who might consider crossing the  party. They claimed Gruevski was making an example out of  Trenkoski and that he was using his political power over the  judiciary to bring &trumped up8 charges against political  enemies.    4. (C) Another notable case is the recent allegation against  Minister of Economy Fatmir Besimi for the previous  government's decision to sell shares of Skopje,s  publicly-owned transport company. (Besimi held the same  position in the 2002-2006 SDSM-DUI government.) A preliminary  investigation into the legality of the sale was opened in  2007, but did not lead to any arrests or charges. Allegations  in the case resurfaced 7-8 November against Besimi (and  former SDSM Finance Minister Popovski), almost four years  after the event in question. Both Besimi and especially  Popovski enjoy reputations as clean politicians, a relative  rarity here. In a 12 November meeting, Besimi told us that he  sees clear political motives for this case, mainly to ruin  his reputation, to reduce his effectiveness in seeking reform  in the energy sector, and perhaps to pressure DUI leader Ali  Ahmeti to fire him or force his resignation. He is determined  not to resign, but if indeed criminal charges are brought  against him, he feels he would have to do so as he could not  carry out his duties effectively. Besimi told the Ambassador  on 23 November that he thought the current threat had passed,  but he noted that government investigators are always  snooping around his ministry and collecting data that VMRO  can use against him. Popovski was questioned for hours by a  plain clothes police officers, but no charges have been  levied as of 25 November.    Pre Trial Detention: A Method to Create Fear and Ruin    SKOPJE 00000601  002 OF 003      Reputations  ---------------------------------------    5. (C) Macedonian law allows for people accused of a crime to  spend time in pre-trial detention (or jail) for a minimum of  30 days, with a possible extension to 180 days if a council  of three judges orders a 60-day extension for further  investigation and a superior court offers an additional  90-day extension, allowed only in cases for which the crime  under investigation is subject to a sentencing guideline of  at least 5 years. The detention period gives the  investigative judge time to interview witnesses without  interference by the defendant, but it also can be ordered if  the judge feels the defendant might flee or might commit the  same or another crime. In some cases, the judge will "amend"  the charges to allow for more time behind bars. Pre-trial  detention is an effective tool for a government that wants to  create a climate of fear because not only does it lock  someone in jail for at least 30 days, it also does  irreparable damage to their public and professional  reputation. The accused's reputation often does not recover,  even if they are eventually acquitted of the charges.    6. (C) When on November 10 Trenkoski appeared to face a more  serious charge and the likelihood of additional weeks of jail  time, his lawyers applied for bail to release him. (Court  sources and other contacts informed us that, although all the  witnesses had been interviewed, the judge was considering  additional, more serious charges and ordering expert  testimony that would have kept Trenkoski in jail for an  additional undefined amount of time.) After a text message  from the U.S. Embassy to the Prime Minister's Chief of Staff  Protoger, and a follow-up phone conversation, Trenkoski was  released on 11 November. Most likely he will eventually have  to stand trial for the charges. Even if he is acquitted of  all charges, the damage to his reputation has already been  done.    Let's Not Forget the Opposition  --------------------------    7. (SBU) In addition to enforcing discipline in the party and  governing coalition, Gruevski also uses his control over the  judicial and policing functions of the state to attempt to  silence the opposition. The arrest and detention in August  2008 of SDSM Vice-President and Strumica mayor Zoran Zaev,  was an early indicator of the government's tactics. Although  Zaev won reelection in March 2009, in the last two weeks, he  is one of five members of the opposition SDSM party that have  been charged with this same &abuse of office/misuse of  official position charges8 for corruption. On 4 November,  the government floated allegations in the press that former  President and current SDSM leader Branko Crvenkovski and his  cabinet used thousands of denar of state money for personal  use during his time as president. The SDSM spokesperson  publicly accused the government of using the judiciary to  attack its political opposition and create a psychological  climate of fear among the public against questioning or  criticizing the government.    8. (C) XXXXXXXXXXXX   9. (SBU) Two SDSM youth members were questioned for several  hours by police on 21 November for distributing leaflets  about a local the poor government practices of a local mayor.  The party members told the press that the incident was  intimidation and an attempt by the government to silence the  opposition. The police claim that the mayor filed a complaint  against the two youth, and they were obliged to investigate  the complaint, but admitted to the press that the youth did  nothing illegal.    9. (C) Slajana Taseva, head of the Macedonian NGO    SKOPJE 00000601  003 OF 003      Transparency Zero Corruption, has complained to European  diplomats and in the media that recently she has been  harassed by police, being called into their headquarters at  night for lengthy "informative talks" on her behavior and  criticism of the government. Although she has not been  formally charged or under arrest, she received an official  summons from the police. When she arrived at the police  station with her attorney, she was given "friendly advice"  about her work on anticorruption. Other NGOs have made  similar claims.    COMMENT  -------    9. (C) The political influence of Gruevski on the judicial  and policing arms of the government is no secret. This latest  spate of public arrests, accusations, and indictments shows a  definite spike in such interference and manipulation. We have  received an increasing number of complaints about late night  "informative talks" with the police and threats from the  government about possible "corruption charges" that may be  investigated should people chose to defy the government or  speak out. Meanwhile, there is no action against Gruevski's  insiders widely reputed to be corrupt, such as intelligence  director Sasho Majalkov (also Gruevski's cousin) and Minister  or Transport and Communications Mile Janakieski. It is  possible that Gruevski is lashing out as he feels especially  vulnerable now. International and domestic pressures are  building to solve the "name issue" with Greece or face the  prospect of not being able to commence EU membership  negotiations, despite receiving a favorable report from the  EU commission (see REFTEL). These cases distract public  attention away from the name issue and give Gruevski an  enhanced sense of control. We will continue to use our  influence judiciously to counteract this tendency, in  specific cases when warranted. More broadly, we and the other  international actors here keep pressing for practical  measures to increase judicial independence, police and  prosecutorial professionalism, and promote rule of law.  REEKER 

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