Published by Wikileaks & Bivol.bg
 date: 2/22/2010 14:43 refid: 10SKOPJE75 origin: Embassy Skopje classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY destination:  header: VZCZCXRO9825 RR RUEHIK DE RUEHSQ #0075/01 0531443 ZNR UUUUU ZZH R 221443Z FEB 10 FM AMEMBASSY SKOPJE TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC 8901 INFO RUEHZL/EUROPEAN POLITICAL COLLECTIVE 0610 RUEHNO/USMISSION USNATO 3781 RUEKJCS/SECDEF WASHINGTON DC RUEKDIA/DIA WASHINGTON DC  ----------------- header ends ----------------  UNCLAS SECTION 01 OF 02 SKOPJE 000075    SENSITIVE  SIPDIS    E.O. 12958: N/A  TAGS: MASS, MOPS, MARR, PREL, AF, MK  SUBJECT: VISIT OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL OF THE VERMONT NATIONAL GUARD  TO MACEDONIA    SKOPJE 00000075  001.2 OF 002      SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED PLEASE PROTECT ACCORDINGLY    1. (SBU) Summary: Macedonia is prepared to take on increased risk in  its joint deployment beginning next month with the Vermont National  Guard (VTNG), GoM leaders told visiting VTNG Adjutant General Dubie  during his Feb 13-17 visit to Skopje.  President Ivanov said he  understood that success in Afghanistan was directly relevant to his  country's security.  Def Min Konjanovski expressed his appreciation  for the recent support voiced by SECDEF and SACEUR for Macedonia's  NATO membership.  (End Summary)    2. (U) Major General Dubie, the Adjutant General (TAG) of the  Vermont National Guard (VTNG) visited Macedonia 13-17 February.  Since 1995, the Vermont National Guard has been the state partner of  Macedonia under the National Guard Bureau's state partnership  program.  The purpose of this visit was to discuss aspects of the  upcoming combined deployment of the Vermont 86th Infantry Brigade  Combat Team (IBCT) with elements of the Macedonia Armed Forces to  Afghanistan beginning on 27 February.  MG Dubie, accompanied by  Ambassador Reeker, conducted meetings with the President of  Macedonia, the Minister of Defense, and participated in a meeting  and lunch with the deploying Macedonian contingent at Illinden  Barracks.  The President also hosted the Ambassador and General  Dubie at an official dinner at his Villa Vodno Residence in Skopje.  General Dubie met separately with the Chief of Defense and the  Director of the GoM's Crisis Management Center.    -----------------  Deployment Update  -----------------    3.  (SBU) The combined deployment of the 86th IBCT and the elements  of the Macedonian Armed Forces is on track.  The 79-soldier  Macedonian contingent, consisting of a Ranger platoon, a military  police platoon, and command and control section will begin  deployment to Afghanistan on 27 February.  After more than a year of  planning, exchanges, and combined training, the lead six person  advanced party from the Macedonia contingent will depart on 27  February for Afghanistan and link up with the lead elements of the  Vermont National Guard Brigade.  The main body of the Macedonia  contingent is expected to deploy via U.S. military air lift at the  end of March.  The nine-month deployment will raise Macedonia's ISAF  contribution to 242 soldiers, with the other elements currently  serving in Regional Command Capital and Regional Command North.  The  86th IBCT with its embedded Macedonian contingent will conduct full  spectrum operations in Regional Command East.    --------------------------  Ivanov: Risks Are Worth IT  --------------------------    4.  (SBU) MG Dubie briefed the President on the change in focus of  the Afghan deployment from a training and mentoring mission to a  partnering and full spectrum operations mission.  The TAG also told  the President about the seriousness of the situation in Afghanistan  and the significant risk Macedonian soldiers would face during the  Afghanistan deployment. President Ivanov was confident, based on  consultations with the Army's General Staff, that the Macedonian  soldiers were ready for this deployment.  The General Staff had  briefed him on the risks inherent in this deployment and he  understood that the risk for casualties would be higher than  previous missions.  The President also spoke about the need to be  prepared in the event of casualties. He spoke of the requirement to  coordinate and share information quickly so that the government  could get ahead of expected media and public reactions to  casualties.  He asked that the VTNG and the ARM's General Staff work  to clearly establish procedures for casualty notification.    5.  (SBU) The President explained why stabilizing Afghanistan was  important to Macedonia's national security, noting that extremist  and radical elements were present in Afghanistan and these elements  could export this dangerous ideology to the Western Balkans.  Additionally, the flow of drugs from Afghanistan to Europe also  posed a significant concern for Macedonia.  Thus, Macedonia is  acting preventively to help stabilize Afghanistan.   The President  mentioned that he was disappointed in the less than serious  attitudes of unnamed European leaders on the Afghan security  challenge.  The Ambassador informed the President that his letter to  President Obama voicing support for the new Afghanistan strategy was  very well received.  The USG very much appreciates Macedonia's  contributions and support in addressing the many global security  issues that both countries face.  Working together is the best  approach in solving these serious global security challenges.  ---------------------------------------  Konjanovski: Deployment Job One for MOD  ---------------------------------------    6.  (SBU) Def Min Konjanovski said that the deployment is the most    SKOPJE 00000075  002.2 OF 002      important event for his Ministry, and has the full support of the  government and the Parliament.  He understood the additional risks  this deployment presents, but thought that the risk was mitigated by  pre-deployment training.  The Macedonian contingent has conducted  several training events and exchanges with elements of the Vermont  86th IBCT. This included participation in the brigade's Joint  Readiness Training Center rotation during October-November 2009 at  Fort Polk, Louisiana.  The MOD mentioned that he had a brief  discussion with SECDEF Gates on the margins of the NATO Ministerial  in Istanbul and proudly reported that the SECDEF had applauded the  contributions of the Macedonian soldiers and Macedonia as a valued  partner.  He also said that the SACEUR had expressed his desire for  Macedonia to join the Alliance ASAP.  The Def Min shared that the  Ministry desired to develop its own pilot training center and hoped  to participate in a UK and French transport helicopter initiative.  He also announced the Ministry's plans to renovate the Army's winter  training facility at Popova Shapka through a tender being announced  over the next few days    7.  (SBU) The Ambassador pushed the MOD to consider what is next  after this deployment.  The Ambassador pointed out that the current  technical agreement with U.S. Central Command includes a provision  for Macedonia to continue the established rotation with the  follow-on U.S. Brigade that will replace the Vermont 86th IBCT.  MG  Dubie indicated to the MOD that a Brigade from the Iowa National  Guard has been identified to replace the Vermont Brigade.  Minister  Konjanovski told the Ambassador that the Government was considering  what is next after the current deployment, but no decisions have  been made.  The Ambassador and MG Dubie both thanked the MOD for  Macedonia's contributions not only to the current deployment but to  the past deployments in both Iraq and Afghanistan.      REEKER 

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