Published by Wikileaks & Bivol.bg
 date: 2/11/2010 14:25 refid: 10SKOPJE64 origin: Embassy Skopje classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY destination:  header: VZCZCXRO1465 PP RUEHIK DE RUEHSQ #0064/01 0421425 ZNR UUUUU ZZH P 111425Z FEB 10 FM AMEMBASSY SKOPJE TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY 8876 INFO RUEHZL/EUROPEAN POLITICAL COLLECTIVE 0597  ----------------- header ends ----------------  UNCLAS SECTION 01 OF 02 SKOPJE 000064    SENSITIVE  H PASS, SIPDIS    E.O. 12958: N/A  TAGS: PGOV, PREL, NATO, EUN, GR, MK  SUBJECT: MACEDONIA: SCENESETTER FOR CODEL POMEROY    SKOPJE 00000064  001.2 OF 002      Sensitive but unclassified.  Please protect accordingly.    1. (SBU) Summary: Ambassador Philip Reeker and team warmly  welcome Congressman Pomeroy and his delegation to the Republic  of Macedonia.  Unfortunately, the Ambassador will not be able to  greet you at the airport.  Michael Fritz, Mission Director of  USAID Macedonia will meet you and accompany you to the hotel.  Ambassador Reeker is looking forward to seeing you at the dinner  that evening.  Your visit comes as Macedonia's path toward Euro-  Atlantic integration (America's long-standing foreign policy  goal for the country) remains stalled due to the "name issue"  with Greece.  Uneasy interethnic relations, problems with rule  of law and corruption, and sluggish follow-through on economic  reform are all exacerbated by the blockage of entry into NATO  and the EU.  The work that the HDP is doing with the Macedonian  Parliament to increase its ability to perform its oversight  function is of high importance.  End summary.    Euro-Atlantic Integration...  ----------------------------    2. (SBU) U.S. policy toward Macedonia has been consistent over  its two decades of independence: Euro-Atlantic integration as a  stable, multiethnic, multi-faith democracy.  With an  occasionally alienated 25% ethnic-Albanian minority, a limited  domestic market, and its location in a Balkan region in  transition, Macedonia can in the long run ensure its prosperity  and stability only by joining NATO and the EU and undertaking  the reforms that membership in these organizations requires.  We  dovetail U.S. assistance and diplomatic efforts closely with  others in the international community, especially the EU and  OSCE, who maintain significant missions here.  The U.S., EU,  NATO, and OSCE are the guarantors of the Ohrid Framework  Agreement, which ended the 2001 civil conflict.  USAID's program  in Macedonia was to end in 2011 but is now planned to extend to  at least 2015.  Assistance for FY 2010 Q including USAID, DOJ,  and security assistance Q totals about $25 million, primarily  geared toward rule of law, democracy and good governance,  economic growth, education, counterterrorism, and military  reform.    ...Remains Blocked  ------------------    3. (SBU) The ongoing "name issue" with Greece has stopped Euro-  Atlantic integration in its tracks.  Athens blocked an otherwise  unified decision in April 2008 at Bucharest to offer Macedonia  membership in NATO, and also blocked the EU from opening  accession negotiations with Skopje in December 2009, pending a  solution to the dispute.  Despite U.S. and European diplomatic  efforts with both sides -- and significant activity by UN  Mediator Matthew Nimetz and direct talks between Prime Ministers  Papandreou and Gruevski Q the issue remains unsolved.  Both the  Greeks and Macedonians have not helped matters by injecting  essentially irresolvable questions of Macedonian "identity" into  the name dispute.    Excellent Security Cooperation  ------------------------------    4. (SBU) Macedonia has been a steadfast ally in international  peace support operations for a number of years.  Since 2002,a  total of 1264 Macedonian troops have served with ISAF in  Afghanistan, and 490 Macedonian troops served in Iraq until the  end of 2008, when the new SOFA with Iraq mandated the departure  of most coalition members.  As of April, an additional 79  Macedonian soldiers will deploy with the Vermont National  Guard's 86th Brigade Combat Team, bringing the total number of  Macedonian troops in Afghanistan to 242. The 2010 Macedonian  contribution to ISAF almost doubles MacedoniaQs commitment and  by per capita population comparison places Macedonia in the top  five of all forty-two ISAF contributing nations.  Additionally,  Macedonia provides small contingents in support of the EU  peacekeeping mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina (medical team,  legal advisor), KFOR (Host Nation Logistic Support Team), and  the UN mission in Lebanon (Staff Officer).    Economy Lags Behind  -------------------    5. (SBU) Macedonia has lagged behind the rest of former  Yugoslavia in transitioning to a market economy.  The country  has managed to maintain macroeconomic stability with low  inflation, but lags behind the region in attracting foreign  investment and creating jobs.  Macedonia's economic challenges  are exacerbated not only by the lack of Euro-Atlantic  integration and a tiny domestic market, but also by ongoing  problems with rule of law (including direct political  interference in the judiciary and apparently politically-  motivated prosecutions), corruption, lack of implementation of  reforms, and lack of follow-though by the government even when  presented with potential foreign investors.    SKOPJE 00000064  002.2 OF 002        6. (SBU) Official unemployment remains high at 31.7%, but may be  overstated based on the existence of an extensive gray market --  estimated to be more than 20% of GDP -- that is not captured by  official statistics. In the wake of the global economic  downturn, Macedonia has experienced decreased foreign direct  investment, a lowered credit rating, and a large trade deficit,  but lack of integration and relatively strict financial  regulations meant that the banking sector escaped significant  shocks. Macroeconomic stability was maintained due to a prudent  monetary policy, which kept the domestic currency pegged to the  Euro, at the expense of increasing interest rates. GDP fell in  2009 by an estimated 1.5%.    Political Situation/Interethnic Relations  -----------------------------------------    7. (SBU) Prime Minister Gruevski's government has been in power  since 2006 and is still relatively popular (in part due to a  weak and discredited opposition), but it has been unable or  unwilling to effectively tackle the challenges outlined in this  cable.  Interethnic relations Q which boiled over into the civil  conflict in 2001 which was resolved with the Ohrid Framework  Agreement Q remain fractious.  While Gruevski does have the  largest ethnic-Albanian party, Ali Ahmeti's DUI, in his  coalition, we see a continuous low boil of issues related to the  use of the Macedonian and Albanian languages in the schools and  in official contexts, the allocation Q or lack thereof Q of  public resources in primarily ethnic Albanian areas of the  country and, most importantly, lack of progress on the name  issue and therefore on Euro-Atlantic integration.  The  otherwise-fractured ethnic Albanian political spectrum agrees  that NATO (and less so EU) membership is the best way to  guarantee their rights as full citizens in Macedonia.  The  ethnic Albanian leadership, particularly Ahmeti, are willing to  be patient, but not forever.    REEKER 

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